2023-2024 SkillsUSA Texas State Officer Team
State Officer Advisor: Jennifer Flores jennifer@skillsusatx.org
Be part of a Team. Run for District, State or National Office!
2024-25 National Officer Program Guide
Thank you to our 2022-2023 State Officer Team for your outstanding work:
Melissa Alfaro-Zeledon, Gustavo Flores, Jana Kawasmi, Gavin Treadway, Siri Paruchuri, Braylen Perkins and Audrie Sargent.

Caleb Gonzales

Dubiski Career High School; Grand Prairie, TX
Advisor: Kathleen Leddy
Vice President
Aayushi Hansalia

Wylie High School; Wylie, TX
Advisor: Tyler Hudgins
Shiv Patel

Dubiski Career High School; Grand Prairie, TX
Advisor: Gloria Trevino
Hannah Castillo

Judge Barefoot Sanders Law Magnet Townview; Dallas, TX
Advisor: Keith Jennings
Danika Maddox

Fox Tech High School; San Antonio, TX
Advisor: Jennifer Casanova
Reid Waters

Wylie East High School; Wylie, TX
Advisor: David Lanman
Zayd Boutkhil

Sherman High School; Sherman, TX
Advisor: Teresa Johnson

Your Region IV National Officer for 2024-2025
Jana Kawasmi from Grand Prairie Collegiate Institute.
State and national officer candidate forms may be found HERE when the application process is open. Incomplete applications will not be accepted. Candidates will be asked to complete the officer screening test online.
The top 30 students after the officer screening test will take part in a virtual interview. Students should have a computer, tablet or phone to conduct the interview. Students will be notified of the interview times.
Written test – 20% A written exam will be administered as scheduled by the state office. The exam will include knowledge from Career Essentials – Foundations Level 1, SkillsUSA Framework, SkillsUSA Membership Handbook and the SkillsUSA Texas web page. (Results Narrows to top 30)
Oral interview – 30% There will be three to five questions asked of each candidate. The same questions will be asked of each candidate. These questions will cover the qualifications for becoming a State Officer as listed in the By Laws, Article XI; Section A and the SkillsUSA Leadership Handbook. Tips: Questions may include specific SkillsUSA Texas knowledge or situational questions about state officer roles and responsibilities. (Results Narrows to top 15)
House of delegate vote – 30% There will be a two-minute campaign speech (no props allowed) and problematic questions. General topics will be given to top 15. Tip: In your answer state the obvious, what it means to you, and what it means to the organization. House of Delegates is at state contest per the posted schedule.
Executive Director – 10 % Observation (Social Behavior, interaction between candidates and students, interactions between advisors, business and industry and SkillsUSA Texas board of directors and staff.
Written Application 10 % Student’s ability to prepare written documents, (spelling, grammar, vocabulary) and meet deadlines judged by the executive director or designee.
Basic steps to election process are:
- Appoint an interview committee to screen candidates and prepare a slate for delegate voting.
- Establish the day and time for candidates to present their speeches and answer the questions posed by the interview committee.
- Conduct a meet the candidate day. Each candidate will provide an introduction, present their speech and respond to interview questions.
- Slate is presented to delegates for final vote. Election date and voting method will be determined by the Executive Director.