
New Chapter

Chapter Numbers

Growing Chapter

SkillsUSA is a National Career and Technical Student Organization

SkillsUSA serves students enrolled in career and technical education training programs in our natuion’s public high schools and colleges. SkillsUSA’s mission is to help its members become world-class workers and responsible American citizens. SkillsUSA complements technical skill training with instruction that is co-curricular and integral to CTE programs making a well- rounded worker and citizen. Founded in 1965, the organization has served more than 12.2million workers through active partnerships between employers and educators. SkillsUSA is endorsed by the U.S. Department of Education and TEA and is cited in federal legislation as an integral part of the career and technical curriculum.

Our Membership

SkillsUSA has approximately 18,000 school chapters in 53 state and territorial associations and serves more than 400,000 members annually. More than 18,000 instructors and administrators are professional members of SkillsUSA. Our members are known in their schools and communities as leaders and skilled professionals in training. In Texas we have a membership of over 22,000 students and 1,000 advisors and administrators.

Membership dues

Students – $16.00 ($8.00 national & $8.00 state dues)

Advisors – $40.00.
Advisor or professional membership includes:

  • SkillsUSA Championships Toolkit – includes the Technical Standards for national competitions.
  • Framework Integration Toolkit
  • Jump Into STEM!
  • Program of Work Toolkit

Membership Deadlines

November 15th: Full service with incentives 
February 15th: Membership deadline for competition eligibility
Membership must be submitted to be eligible for district competition prior to the competition date and must be paid for state competition.

Membership Questions and National Resources

Call toll free 844-875-4557 or once you’ve created a login or click the chat box to the bottom right of your screen at

Register your membership and conference participants at the national website: