Your Journey to

Career Success!

SkillsUSA Texas

“SkillsUSA is America’s proud champion of the skilled trades.

Our mission is to empower students to become skilled professionals, career-ready leaders, and responsible community members.”

SkillsUSA Texas is a partnership of students, teachers, and industry working together to ensure America has a skilled workforce. SkillsUSA helps each student excel in leadership skills, technical and engineering skills, STEM, and occupationally related skills in 12 of the cluster areas. All students in Career and Technical Education programs are eligible for membership.

The Student Research Foundation shows the majority of surveyed SkillsUSA members feel they are engaged in relevant career and technical education (CTE) coursework that prepares them for the future.  Read the full SkillsUSA Advantage Report here.

SkillsUSA, Champions at Work

SkillsUSA has approximately 18,000 school chapters in 53 state and territorial associations and serves more than 400,000 members annually. More than 18,000 instructors and administrators are professional members of SkillsUSA. Our members are known in their schools and communities as leaders and skilled professionals in training.  In Texas, we have a membership of over 22,000 students and 1,500 advisors and administrators.

We Are Here
To Help You
Career Success

Your SkillsUSA Texas State Office is here for you, whether you have questions about membership, chapter management, district information, invoicing, billing, registration or contests, we are here to support your chapters. Call the State Office toll free: 800-444-2297

Need Help with Your Chapter or Registering Members? Call the SkillsUSA Membership Hotline Toll Free: 844-875-4557. Hotline operators are ready to answer your questions on how to start a new chapter, engage chapter members and strengthen an existing chapter. 

SkillsUSA is leading the way in America's Skilled Workforce.

SkillsUSA serves students enrolled in career and technical education training programs in our nation’s public high schools and colleges. SkillsUSA complements technical skill training with instruction that is co-curricular and integral to CTE programs making a well- rounded worker and citizen. Founded in 1965, the organization has served more than 12.2million workers through active partnerships between employers and educators. SkillsUSA is endorsed by the U.S. Department of Education and state departments of education and is cited in federal legislation as an integral part of the career and technical curriculum.

annual members total since 1965
national partners, businesses, trade associations and unions
National Medals Winners in Texas since 2004
classrooms conducting SkillsUSA training nationwide

Student Benefits

  • Teaching teamwork and leadership
  • Reinforcing employability skills
  • Offering a state and national contest program
  • Providing ways to serve the local community
  • Offering $1 million in scholarships annually
  • Helping students meet potential employers

Advisor Benefits

  • Enhancing curriculum
  • Real-world engagement
  • Technical performance gauge
  • Providing avenues for local industry support
  • Showcase training programs
  • Gaining greater administrator support
  • Providing opportunities to network

School Benefits

  • Showcasing the school to the community
  • Helping instructors meet educational standards
  • Improving the quality of training programs
  • Providing opportunities for recognition
  • Helping to produce more qualified graduates
  • Assisting with recruitment and enrollments

Industry Benefits

  • Ensuring that programs meet industry needs
  • Providing opportunities for employment
  • Helping to promote specific industries
  • Participating in advisory boards
  • Shrinking the Skills Gap

SkillsUSA Championships

The SkillsUSA Championships brings together industry and labor representatives, educators, and the public to watch students compete in leadership and hands-on skill events for a full day. The SkillsUSA Championships begin at the local level with contests in classrooms nationwide.

Meet your 2024-2025 SkillsUSA Texas State Officer Team!

Latest News and Information

Exciting Opportunity – Apply to Become a Board Member!

We are looking for passionate individuals to join our Board and help shape the future of SkillsUSA Texas! This is your chance to make an impact, contribute your expertise, and support students in their career and technical education journey. If you’re interested in advocating for SkillsUSA, influencing key decisions, and…

Exciting New Option for State Conference – Pre-Order Your Meals!

We’re making mealtime easier at the American Bank Center! This year, you can pre-order boxed meals and skip the lines. Choose from a selection of meal combos and enjoy a hassle-free dining experience during the event. 🔗 Order Here: Pre-Order Link 📌 Important Details:✔️ Orders will place a hold on…

Interested in becoming a State Officer or National Officer?

State Officer Applications have been extended. Please complete this FORM by Monday March 17. Or complete this FORM for the National Officer Application by March 25.

Missed Last Night’s Town Hall? Catch Up Now!

Couldn’t make it to our Town Hall Meeting? No worries! We’ve got you covered. Click here for last night’s slide deck. 2025 March Townhall (1)Download