The SkillsUSA Framework’s focus on intentional learning turns the program of work into more than just a planning tool. Using the framework, the program of work becomes the vital conduit that links students to the application of personal, workplace and technical skills demanded by industry — the SkillsUSA trifecta for student success.
Within the personal, workplace and technical skills areas, there are specific Essential Elements tied to each. The Essential Elements are high-demand employability skills as defined by industry, and the benchmark for measuring student success during an activity. Each student member can complete this Essential Element self evaluation to help them identify strengths and weaknesses within the SkillsUSA Framework. This helps your chapter to create and plan your Program of Work with intentionality.
Electing chapter officers allows your chapter to move from advisor-led to advisor-supported. Students take the lead with SkillsUSA. Serving as a chapter officer is one of the best ways for students to hone their workplace and leadership skills.
Train a strong officer team with the SkillsUSA CHARGE Officer Video Series. Charge is a weekly chapter officer video series that covers topics that chapter officers will find useful in the day-to-day management of their local SkillsUSA chapters.
Elevate is an interactive virtual experience for local chapter officer teams that focuses on building successful chapters by equipping officers with the skills to lead and serve their chapter members.
The SkillsUSA Program of Work is divided into six categories. These categories define areas of focus for a well-run chapter in the same way a well-run business may be divided into different divisions. Each category or committee has specific responsibilities, but all contribute to the overall success of the SkillsUSA chapter.
SkillsUSA’s Chapter Excellence Program (CEP) recognizes your achievement in integrating the SkillsUSA Framework in chapter activities related to the program of work. As a chapter’s yearly action plan, the SkillsUSA program of work is at the heart of student learning and employability development. By using our framework as a guide, chapters have a blueprint for creating relevant activities that encourage participation and help students understand what they’re learning.
Every chapter is encouraged to participate in CEP, and there are three award levels to recognize program involvement. The first two levels are acknowledged by a chapter’s state SkillsUSA association, and the third level is recognized nationally through Models of Excellence. Each level is designed to give chapters a benchmark for success and future improvement, leading to stronger chapters and better-prepared students. The more a chapter applies the SkillsUSA Framework, the greater the chance for CEP honors.
Start your Chapter Excellence Program application today and begin to earn recognition for your chapter! The online application is on the main page of the membership registration site once you have logged into your school account. Questions? Call 844-875-4557