Welcome to SkillsUSA Texas!
You’ve made the decision to become a SkillsUSA advisor. You are starting on a journey that is bound to offer many rewards for you and your students. There are a few basic steps to follow when starting a new chapter. We are happy to help you navigate your way to creating Champtions!
Support is here for you at the National level from Customer Care at 844-875-4557 and from the Texas office at 903-887-4013.
Charter Application
Chapter Petition
Framework Classroom Integration
Chapter Officer Election Toolkit
National New Chapter Resources
Basic steps to follow to start a new chapter:
- Connect with Customer Care at 844-875-4557 or customercare@skillsusa.org. Request a New Chapter Kit and get all of your questions answered.
- Meet with your school administrator to request permission to start a new program and gain classroom and financial support for your SkillsUSA chapter.
- Contact your SkillsUSA Texas Membership Specialist at 800-444-2297 ext 0 to get your charter/chapter paperwork started.
- Identify one or more possible SkillsUSA leaders (technical instructors, a career counselor or another interested person within the school) to help with the new chapter.
- Integrate SkillsUSA Framework into your classroom syllabus. SkillsUSA activities and programs develop students in three distinct areas: personal skills, workplace skills and technical skills that are grounded in academics.
- Register as a professional member and start your chapter roster. www.skillsusa-register.org
- Formalize your chapter by electing officers. This allows your chapter to move from advisor-led to advisor-supported. Students take the lead with SkillsUSA. Serving as a chapter officer is one of the best ways for students to hone their workplace and leadership skills.
- Recruit members to join your chapter or start another program chapter at your campus. Custom audience videos are available to help!
- Hold chapter meetings either during the school day within a class period or when they work best for your students and their school day.
- Ask chapter members to complete this Essential Element self evaluation to help them identify strengths and weaknesses within the SkillsUSA Framework.
- Attend Professional Development opportunities. SkillsUSA Technical Thursdays feature virtual skill-building workshops with experts from different fields. REGISTER HERE and check out our offering calendar for the upcoming session descriptions.
- Celebrate your success! Your students are the stars of your organization. Use social media, newspapers and TV stations to share positive stories with your community. Strive to keep stakeholders involved and informed about your chapter.
- Introduce your student members to the current SkillsUSA theme, Ignite Your Potential, and hang posters from your SkillsUSA Membership Kit in the classroom or hallway to raise awareness of SkillsUSA and generate excitement among students to become a SkillsUSA member.