Charter Application
Chapter Petition
SkillsUSA Texas has an identifying system that includes a National Charter number for the entire school and a SkillsUSA Texas Chapter Number for each program area under that charter. The guidelines are found in our SkillsUSA Texas Bylaws and in our Texas Regulations.
Support is here for you at the National level from Customer Care at 844-875-4557 and from the Texas office at 903-887-4013.
SkillsUSA, the national office, assigns a National Charter number for the entire school campus, they call this local chapter. To receive this an advisor must complete a National Charter Application. Once approved, your school is added to the national registration database. The advisor can register as a professional member and start recruiting chapter members. A charter may exist for your campus, you can verify by calling 844-875-4557.
Once the school charter is established, an advisor completes the Chapter Petition. Upon approval of this petition, SkillsUSA Texas assigns a chapter number for each training or program area. Chapter numbers must remain on the campus where they started. If an advisor moves to a new campus they will need to look at taking over a chapter number on that campus or get a new chapter number by completing a petition for the new campus.
Schools have the option to work with one Texas Chapter number for all programs at the campus or a Texas Chapter number for each program or training area. The option to work under one SkillsUSA Texas chapter number, may limit the number of students that are able to compete, see the Texas Regulations for details.
Each local charter (the entire school) needs at least 7 members and a professional member to be eligible for competitions. If you create separate Texas chapters for each training program area, each Texas chapter will need at least 7 members to fill a slate of officers. If your school is not able to fulfill this obligation, you may request a waiver.
The chapter rule for competition prevents overloaded district competition areas and provides equal opportunity for schools to compete. Filling your quota of students per contest and chapter wisely may entail advisors conducting a local competition so the best students are sent to the district competition. Or a district contest may need to narrow the competitor field with preliminary contest rounds. This will allow SkillsUSA Texas to offer quality in our competitions and offer a better experience for those students who are qualified to compete at a district-level competition.