SkillsUSA is a partnership of students, teachers and industry working together to ensure America has a skilled workforce. SkillsUSA Texas’ mission is to provide opportunities for its members to become successful and productive citizens, employees and leaders accomplished through a structured program of leadership training activities, communication and business partnerships. Vocational-technical education, the School-to-Career initiative, Career and Technical Education and many other movements in education and training reform have searched for an elusive but key bridge: how to have an active partnership between public education and industry.

You can help us build that bridge!

Former Officer? Please sign up to receive Officer Alumni information, here.

We want to hear from you – email us at:

and join us on LinkedIn:

If you are available to help at any district event such as Fall Leadership or District Contest we would love to get you involved.  Contact the district coordinator in your area and check out the district page here:

At State Conference there are so many ways to help and remember how much fun it was to be there for the first time.

How about Summer Leadership or Legislative Day? Join us to help train the next wave of champions.