Technical Information Assessments are offered only at the state level of competition. They are given to determine the amount of related technical information each student has acquired specifically to related study in their Career and Technical Program. Technical Information Assessments will be given in trade areas related to courses where SkillsUSA student members are enrolled throughout the state, and provided there are at least three (3) eligible contestants reported to the state office by the SkillsUSA Districts.
There are two categories of tests for contestants to participate in the Technical Information Assessments at the state conference. Students that qualify are limited to ONE test from EACH category at state.
- Category I – Limited to only 2nd and 3rd place contest winners in the Skilled and Technical Science Competitions as well as some demonstration competitions determined from each district level meeting in categories that are offered or as otherwise designated on the technical information contest list in this publication. Should the 1st and 2nd place contestant compete in the skills competition then 3rd and 4th place may take the Technical Information Tests. No substitutions will be made for technical information testing.
- Category II – Open to SkillsUSA members in Career and Technical education programs approved for membership by Texas Education Agency and paid a registration fee to the district level contest event. Students must be enrolled in a course related to the technical information test, or have an individual training plan in related technical information test. No substitutions will be made for technical information testing.
For detailed information about Technical Information Assessments, please check the most updated version of the Texas Regulations to see. The list of tests for 2025 is under review and will be posted before Sept. 30th.