Members from across Texas may travel to Austin to represent their CTE programs to our State Legislatures at the Capitol. Training may include communication, parliamentary procedure, advocacy training, and House Rules for students and advisors. Student leaders may gain access to the Texas House floor (availability to Capital may vary year to year) where they perform mock legislation and debate proposed bills, and the ability to set up meetings with their Texas Representatives.
This event is held every year in conjunction with SkillsUSA Week which is celebrated in February nationwide. The event offers state associations, advisors and student members the opportunity to promote SkillsUSA programs and activities at the local and state levels while highlighting the importance of the skilled trades
Legislative Day 2025:
We’ve changed the format to a FREE & VIRTUAL event this year! Now, you can join us from your classroom and take part in this incredible opportunity to develop advocacy skills, learn to engage with Texas lawmakers, and strengthen your leadership—at no cost!
We’re excited to have you with us for this impactful experience. Register today!
2024 Texas Legislative Day Events Details
- Monday is Recognition Day, where members, advisors, administrators, partners and other supporters are recognized and honored.
- Tuesday is Give-Back Day, where students rally around their school community by focusing on ways to give back using their career-ready skills.
- Wednesday is Partner Day, where local business and industry leaders are invited to connect with members while highlighting the importance of career-ready skills found in the SkillsUSA Framework.
- Thursday is Advocacy Day, amplifying the skilled trades in communities through local public relations activities.
- Friday wraps up the week with the celebratory SkillsUSA Day, where students are asked to wear SkillsUSA clothing in their schools, post about SkillsUSA on social media and hold special recognition activities.